Adding Tomighty To Startup Applications In Ubuntu
I am a big fan of productivity tools, esp. observing and tweaking my own daily routines to achieve best results is one of my passion.Recently, I came across a pomodoro timer "Tomighty" and have been using it regularly on windows section of my machine. I have a Linux (Ubuntu) partition as well, where I play around with code and my lessons on programming. This post details, how I installed this pomodoro timer in Ubuntu as a startup application.This helps me avoid doing the following, everytime I start my System.
java -jar tomighty.jar
Following are the steps to get this done on Ubuntu Machine
1. Download tomighty.jar from - All operating systems jar file.
2. Copy this from Downloads to /opt or /tools wherever you keep your useful toolset.
3. Create a file for creating an entry in startup applications.
Copying from Downloads to /opt or /tools can be done by
$ cp ~/Downloads/tomighty.jar /opt
$ cp ~/Downloads/tomighty.jar /tools
Contents of is
#! /bin/bash
java -jar /home/hpalappe/tools/tomighty-0.7.1.jar
Go to the gear sign on the top right most section on panel, click on startup applications and add a new entry. This solved my problem of getting tomighty working on Ubuntu.