Useful/Common commands for a Programmer in { Mac environment }

At home , I keep fiddling with my computer  installing open source code base to read through and learn about the way different people write code. During these sessions, I noticed that, a specific set of commands were used on a daily basis to get my work done on terminal and I felt that it might be useful  for the people with bad memory ( especially me ;)). A useful excuse to write few lines ;) . Here is the list of frequently used commands by me while working on pet projects.

{PS: This list and the descrption of all the commands will get updated as and when I get more time.Please note this is not a final list, it's an ever growing one ;)}

Mac Terminal:

$ cd [<em>directory - name]</em>

This command helps the user to change the directory/navigate up/down through the directories.

$ mkdir [<em>new- directory - name]</em>

This command helps the user to make/create a new directory.

$ ls -ltr

This command helps the user to list all the files and directories recursively except the hidden one.

$ ls -la

This command  helps the user to list all the files/directories including the hidden ones with a "." in the name [e.g. ".profile"]

$ ls -l | egrep `^d'

This command helps the user to list all the directories.

$ nano .profile  [I use nano, instead of "vi", please use an editor of your choice]

This is to change .profile file to set the PATH. You can find the .profile file in the home directory. use ctrl +O to save the file and ctrl+x to exit from the file. After you complete this step you have to run/execute this .profile file once to get the set PATH up and working for you. TO DO THAT type in   $  .  ./.profile  and press enter.

$ echo $path

This will show you all the set values in system PATH. This is similar to the stuff , we see in Windows PATH variable .

$ sudo ln -s [path-1]/something  /usr/local/bin/[something] e.g. sudo ln -s /path/to/django/bin/ /usr/local/bin/