Ramblings of a confused and stressed mind !

Its been almost 150+ odd days since I took my new year resolution of  studying 6 or so programming languages in 12 months time. I have had a very interesting exploratory trip through the world of mathematics and programming. This helped me to change my resolution and direction a bit from learning mere programming languages to direct my effort towards a specific goal, which is to become a world class programmer by the end of year 2015.

So far, I have done the following:

    • Programming Languages - I read Java( developed small apps as well, solved few problems in CodeChef to test my skills) , Learned basic Python and Ruby developed small programs in these programming languages and started reading C++ book.
    • Web Framework - Ruby on Rails ( Read 2 books, developed and worked through all the examples in those books (Rails tutorial and Agile development with Rails). This was an interesting lesson on RWAD ( rapid web app. development) , which I think is little annoying when we use traditional JSP/Struts/Spring style development. RoR was fun to learn.
    • CMS - Drupal 7 , I came across this framework during my internet exploration and I got hooked to it since then. I hope to read and learn more about it and have got a book (The Definitive Drupal7 Development guide).
    • Mathematics : This is an area that needs further improvement. I haven't done quite anything in this department, other than trying to solve and refresh my Number theory basic. I need to improve  and start looking into algebra,calculus and discrete mathematics if I am to make some meaningful contribution to applied computing field.

My observation about my work till date , a retrospective I would call it to tweak my progress and achieve better results.

What I should do:

  • Focus on implementation of fundamental data structures and how they work in C++, Java & Python.The reason being, I have fair idea of these languages and all of them can do helluva lotta work in this world(be it algorithmic or enterprise IT).
  • Improve mathematical skills and focus on it instead of putting head in 100 different things.
  • Should spent a fixed amount of time daily on the above 2 tasks irrespective of the situation ( except when in a situation where I am left in Intensive Care Unit and I cannot read, probably I should still stick to my plan unless I'm in comma..blaahhh.).
  • Learn about an OpenSource project and contribute.
  • Take care of my health and Enjoy life :)

What I should not do:

  • Try not to fit too many ideas or lessons into the schedule ( filter out the good ones).
  • Working and Studying is not everything, spent some time see the world, learn a new language.
  • Get stressed about studies and lessons, because that won't help.